In this post, I will explain how to generate a report for Active Directory users and each group a user is a member of. So if UserA is a member of five groups, the report shows all these groups and exports the result as CSV.


You need Windows PowerShell 5.1 or PowerShell 7. Also, ensure the Active Directory PowerShell module is installed on the computer to run the code.

The Code

The code below goes through all Active Directory users, and for each user, it uses the Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership to query the list of groups the user is a member of.

The results are stored in a PSCustomObject which is dynamically extended to fit all the groups related to the user.

   Report On-Preim AD Users and which Groups they are joined to
   This script show a report of each AD User and the groups this user is member of
    Specify a URI to a help page, this will show when Get-Help -Online is used.
Create a report and save it to C:\MyADUserReport.csv
    .\GRoupReporter.ps1 -FileToSave C:\MyADUserReport.csv
Just Show the result on the screen or return it to another script.


$AllUsers=Get-ADUser -Filter 'Enabled -eq  $true' -Properties Name,givenName,userPrincipalName -SearchBase 'OU=Information Technology Dept,OU=Financial and Support Services Sector,OU=Abu Dhabi,OU=Employees,OU=Abu Dhabi Chamber,DC=adcci,DC=gov,DC=ae'
foreach ($singleuser in $AllUsers)

        Name = $singleuser.Name
    write-host "Processing User: $($singleuser.SamAccountName)"  -ForegroundColor Green
    $AllGroups=Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $singleuser.SamAccountName 

    if ($ -gt $CSVheaderNumber){ $CsvHeaderNumber=$AllGroups.Count;$CSVIndex=$fullReport.Count}
    if ($ -eq 1){
        $Report | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Group0" -NotePropertyValue $
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $; $i++) 
        $GroupName=Get-ADGroup -Identity $AllGroups[$i].SamAccountName

            $Report | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "Group$i" -NotePropertyValue $

    $fullReport.Add($Report) | Out-Null

if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('FileToSave')){
$fullReport[$CSVIndex] | Export-Csv -Path $PSBoundParameters['FileToSave'] -NoTypeInformation
$fullReport[0..($CSVIndex -1)+($CSVIndex +1)..$fullReport.count] | Export-Csv -Path $PSBoundParameters['FileToSave'] -NoTypeInformation -Append -Force
Else{Return $fullReport}

The result looks like

Name              : My User Name
givenName         : MyUserName
userPrincipalName :
Group0            : Domain Users
Group1            : General Employees
Group2            : Another Group Name

You can also use the -FileToSave to save the result as a CSV file.

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